Saturday, November 30, 2013

December (Twelfth Month) 2013 Newsletter

Meeting for Worship
& First Day School
Sundays at 11:00 a.m.
Midweek Meeting for Worship, Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m.
The Meeting Community

Meetings for Worship and Business are the center of our spiritual community. There, as we come to know each other in the Spirit, we build the “beloved community.”
 Mutual respect and care in the Meeting form the foundation from which we can test, support, and exercise leadings of the Spirit. At its best, the Meeting community provides a framework for us to learn and practice mutual care, which strengthens us as we act in the world.
 All members of the Meeting community should share in the care of one another.While respecting privacy, we must be aware of and sensitive to each other’s needs. We must also be willing to ask for assistance when we are in need.

Do I strive to be inclusive in my relationships within the Meeting?
Do I care for the reputation of others, refraining from gossip or disparaging remarks?
Am I committed to the difficult work of forgiveness, and affirming God’s love for the whole community?
How are love and unity maintained among us?
Do we practice the art of listening, even beyond words?
How have we been sensitive to the personal needs and difficulties of members and attenders, young and old?
Do we visit one another in our homes and keep in touch with distant members?

San Francisco Monthly Meeting
November (Eleventh Month) Meeting for Business

After a period of worship, Meeting for Business began at 1:01 pm with 18 people present. The clerk read from the PYM Advices & Queries for Eleventh Month on “Peace.” The reading was followed by reflection and spoken ministry.
Approval of Previous Month’s Minutes

11-01: Meeting approves the minutes of October 13, 2013, as presented.

Membership Matter
Stephen Matchett, meeting clerk, re-read the report of Paula Stinson’s membership clearness committee, which Ministry & Oversight Committee’ brought last month with its recommendation of acceptance.

11-02: Meeting approves Paula Stinson's membership. Marian Chatfield Taylor (convenor) and Philip Gerrie will compose a welcoming committee.

Naming Committee
Owain Elliott-Sowaal reported for the Naming Committee, comprised of Anne Marie Snell and himself. They propose the following individuals for service on the Nominating Committee: David Ackerly and Ann Hitch Collins (continuing members in 2014) for co-clerks, and Arthur Koch, Jan Hartsough and Ruth Sheldon each for a two-year Nominating Committee term through 12/31/2015. (Kate Frankel is the other continuing member of Nominating.) Meeting will season these nominations for a month.

College Park Quarterly Meeting - Fall Session Report
Alice Elliott-Sowaal, our Quarterly Meeting representative, reported on the fall session held at Sierra Friends Center in October on the theme of “Taking Stock.” Attendees included 88 adults, 12 teens, and 6 children. Activities on the theme included a plenary dialog on the mission or purpose of Quakerism, and a follow-up interest group. Participants also heard a proposal to split Pacific Yearly meeting into two smaller bodies. Grass Valley Friend Tristan Anderson, who suffered a brain injury at the hands of the Israeli defense force during a protest against the occupation of the Palestinian territories, talked about how he is doing and the status of his court case. The teen group sponsored an interest group on transgender and gender-identity issues, and raised the question whether gender-segregated sleeping arrangements for teens at meeting sessions are excluding of some individuals. Alice read a portion of a letter from the teen group of Baltimore Yearly Meeting suggesting that these arrangements also call into question the integrity of young Friends’ stated commitment to refrain from sexual activity at retreats. Discernment on this issue will continue.  An interest group provided information about home funerals and “green” burials, as Friends consider ways to bring death back into the home (the parlor that gave funeral parlors their name) rather than hospitalizations and mortuaries. Some Friends are proposing to start a green Quaker cemetery at Sierra Friends Center.
San Francisco Meeting will be hosting the upcoming winter session of CPQM here at the meetinghouse on Saturday, January 18 (including teen overnights on Friday and Saturday). We will need to assign an arrangements coordinator soon to work with the planners of that session.

Ministry & Oversight Committee Report
David Matchett, co-clerk, reported that Jeff Mead has withdrawn his request to lay down his membership. Members of M&O will continue to meet with him about the concerns that prompted his original request.
M&O will be reviewing Friends’ responses to the queries presented at last month’s business meeting and on subsequent Sundays, and will report back on them to Meeting.
The Retreats subcommittee continues to meet. They are currently planning the Annual Meeting Retreat (May 23-26, 2014). If you have ideas or would like to help, please contact clerk Bob Kovsky.
Property & Finance Committee
Amy Baker, treasurer, presented the proposed 2014 budget (attached to archive copy of these minutes), explaining certain highlighted items. Meeting will season this proposal for a month.

San Francisco Friends School Quaker Life Committee
Krista Barnard, one of Meeting's Quaker Life Committee representatives, reported that the Friends School is completing a “self-study” required periodically for continued membership in the Friends Council on Education, looking at the school's governance and curriculum to determine how they draw from Quaker values and educational philosophy. The committee has been assisting in this review. In addition, each year,the school focuses on a specific testimony, last year's being Stewardship and the current one being Integrity. A set of queries on the chosen testimony, devised by the prior year's graduating eighth graders, are posted in each classroom and serve as a focus for reflection and discussion throughout the year. The current ones are:
How do my words and actions reflect the truth of my inner voice?
How do I hold to my beliefs yet keep my mind open to new truths?
Do we strive to honor the light of all living things?
We extend a special invitation to Friends School families and staff to attend our Sunday meeting for worship twice a year. The next one of these will be November 24. Krista also reported attending her first schoolwide meeting for worship, held the first Wednesday of each month during the school year, where she was impressed by the students' level of discipline and valuing of the silence.

Rausch Street Committee
Philip Gerrie, Rausch Street Committee co-clerk, reported that title to the Rausch Street property has been officially transferred to the meeting. A plan is in place to develop a lease with the current tenants. The committee is seeking a ‘seed money’ grant of $30,000 to assess and plan for renovations.
Food Pantry
Philip Gerrie, as food pantry coordinator (a project under the care of Peace & Social Concerns Committee), reported the program is going well with consistent volunteers, however more help is always welcome, particularly from Friends willing to do bread pickup, or to be trained as either a set-up or clean-up coordinator.
After a period of announcements and sharing of joys and concerns, Meeting closed with worship at 2:35 pm with 18 people in attendance.

Respectfully submitted,

Blake Arnall, Recording Clerk                Stephen Matchett, Clerk of Meeting



Since the beginning of the Obama Administration, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has deported approximately 2 million people. In Alameda County alone, ICE deports about 1,000 people every month. Many immigration activists have decided recently to build a new movement to stop the busses that ICE uses to send people away. The activists held their first action in Arizona and followed with another here in San Francisco in October.  AFSCs Pablo Paredes, and his high school students participated in San Francisco. You can see video at

Hunger Strike

Following the 60 day hunger strike by prisoners, the Prisoner Hunger Strike Solidarity Coalition continues to push for policy changes. On October 9th, the Senate and Assembly Public Safety Committees held the first of several legislative hearings. The following week, the UN Rapporteur on Torture visited both Los Angeles and the Bay Area, speaking out and hearing from survivors of solitary confinement as well as their family members. Hundreds of people turned out at these events and an important new relationship has been formed.

Socially Responsible Investing

Socially responsible investors have historically not had access to research and reporting on abuses and violations of human rights by corporations doing business in Israel/ Palestine. In an effort to provide some of that missing information, the Middle East program of the American Friends Service Committee together with Jewish Voice for Peace have created a new quarterly newsletter. To subscribe:

News from Friends
December 2013
News from Ben Lomond Quaker Center

It’s not too late! You can still register for the Music and Dance Retreat for only $60-$140 per person taking place from December 6-8th and have a weekend filled with a variety of singing and dancing opportunities. Bring your kids and grandkids, or just yourself, and join us for a few days of fun making music together and dancing with a professionally called contra dance on Saturday night with live music. Find out more and register online at

“Ring it in, ring in the new year” as you watch the sunrise on January 1st from the Casa de Luz. During Quaker Center's tradition of greeting the dawn of the new year with meeting for worship we experience the pitch darkness of the redwood forest and what is revealed and transformed as the sun rises. This is the culmination of our annual Year End Retreat. This year Rachel Findley will facilitate an exploration of the transformation of John Woolman: The Place of Prayer Is a Precious Habitation from Dec. 27th – January 1st. More information and online registration are available on the Quaker Center website at

Quarterly and Yearly Meeting News

Pacific Yearly Meeting

The upcoming Pacific Yearly Meeting session will be July 14-19, 2014 at Walker Creek Ranch in Petaluma, CA

College Park Quarterly Meeting

The upcoming College Park Quarterly Meeting will be January 18 (Saturday) at San Francisco

Google Groups for SF Quakers

This is the group to send your late breaking announcements or share other news with the meeting community. You can sign up via the web: You will need to create a free Google user ID and password, if you don’t already have one.

Visit to join or learn more.

A group for young adult Friends in San Francisco is at

A group for parents in the San Francisco Meeting is at

A Google Group for Bay Area Quakers is now available at The group is for Bay Area Quaker meetings, churches, and organizations, as well as individual Friends, to share news of events and activities that would be of interest to Quakers and the general public. Events do not need to be strictly Quaker. For more information, contact Tom Yamaguchi,
Help on using Google Groups is also available at:

Submissions to the newsletter are due by the next-to-last First Day (Sunday) of each month in the News Committee mailbox at the meetinghouse, or by e-mail to This newsletter is also available for reading or downloading on our website at

Members of the News Committee are Kate McCarley (clerk, editor), Eli Bishop (web servant), Catherine Fox (production), and Noel Schwerin (distribution)

(all events at 65 9th St., unless noted; *see details elsewhere in newsletter)
9:30a Bible Study
11a Meeting for Worship, Community potluck following



7p Property & Finance Mtg
8:40a-9:15a SFFS Community Meeting for Worship
6p Meeting for Worship
7p Ministry & Oversight Mtg

12p Peace Vigil

7p Potluck & Quaker Study

10:30a-1p Food Pantry


11a Meeting for Worship
1p Meeting for Business

6p Meeting for Worship


12p Peace Vigil

7p Potluck & Quaker Study

10:30a-1p Food Pantry
9:30a Bible Study
11a Meeting for Worship

6p Meeting for Worship
12p Peace Vigil
7p Potluck & Quaker Study

10:30a-1p Food Pantry

9:15 Non-Violent Comm. Practice Group
11a Meeting for Worship

6p Meeting for Worship

12p Peace Vigil
7p Potluck & Quaker Study
10:30a-1p Food Pantry
9am Extended Meeting for Worship


6p Meeting for Worship

12p Peace Vigil
7p Potluck & Quaker Study
10:30a-1p Food Pantry
‡Federal Building, Golden Gate Ave. and Larkin St. †San Francisco Friends School, 250 Valencia St.

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