Friday, January 25, 2013

February (Second Month) 2013 Newsletter


February 2013 Newsletter
(Second Month)
Meeting for Worship
& First Day School
Sundays at 11:00 a.m.
Midweek Meeting for Worship, Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m.


The life of the spirit gains depth and vigor through devotional practices, prayer, study and meditation. Take time regularly for individual and family worship, discussions, readings from sacred texts, and other spiritual refreshment in order to live a more centered life and to bring a deeper presence to the Meeting for Worship.

Friends believe that the spiritual path is best found in community. Create opportunities in your Meetings for people of all ages to explore and express their evolving relationship with the Divine, their spiritual highs and their doubts. If different metaphors and language interfere with communication, listen more deeply, honoring the Spirit in which the thought and words have their beginnings.

Do I live in thankful awareness of God’s constant presence in my life?

Am I sensitive and obedient to the leadings of the Holy Spirit?

When do I take time for contemplation and spiritual refreshment?

What steps am I taking to center my life and to stay open to continuing revelation?

Do we share our spiritual lives with others in the Meeting, seeking to know one another in that which is eternal?

Does the Meeting provide religious education including study of the Bible and Friends’ history and practices?

After a period of worship, Meeting for Business began at 1:07 pm with 21 people present. Clerk Stephen Matchett opened with a reading from the PYM Faith & Practice, Advices & Queries for First month on “Meeting for Worship.”  We reflected on the queries in silence and with spoken ministry.
Approval of Previous Month’s Minutes

1-01: Meeting approves the minutes of December 9, 2012, as presented.

Ad Hoc Naming Committee Report
Philip Gerrie, convener of the Naming Committee, reported that no concerns had been raised regarding the nomination brought last month.

1-02: Meeting approves Sandra Schwartz to clerk the Nominating Committee through 12/31/2013.

The Naming Committee brought forward the name of Dan Nakamura as co-clerk of Nominating Committee. Meeting will season this nomination and act on it at our next meeting for business.
Kitchen Renovations Committee Report
Krista Barnard, assistant clerk of meeting, clerked this portion of the meeting since Stephen is bringing this proposal forward with Philip. Stephen Matchett, clerk, and Philip Gerrie, clerk of P&F, offered a progress report on the current construction. Current estimated completion will be the end of January 2013. Final installation of appliances will happen soon. The original renovation estimate was $44,000. Two months ago, Meeting approved an additional $25,000, based on current understanding of the increased cost to bring the project to completion.  Following a recent review of the project finances by Stephen, Philip and treasurer Amy Baker, including the remaining contractor/s bill and other miscellaneous items, Stephen can now report that the budget increase requested was too low, and that another $10,000 will be needed to complete the kitchen renovations for a total cost of $79,000.  The plan would be to draw the additional sum from the General Fund, and to replenish the fund using surplus amounts in the Roof Repair and Engineering Reserves. Amy confirmed that this will leave the General Fund with a balance of $15,000 which is within the acceptable minimum balance for that reserve. One Friend expressed discomfort with this requested adjustment and cautioned us as a meeting to be more concerned about living within our financial means moving forward.

1-03: Meeting approves up to $10,000 in additional funding for the kitchen project from the General Fund.

Rausch Street Working Group Proposal
Stephen Matchett, clerk, reminded Friends of Meeting’s minute of October encouraging the formation of a group of Friends prepared to take on management of the Rausch St. property and seeking a proposal from such a group around which Meeting could unite in order to take title to this bequest.  He reported that one such group had formed, and he called on Rolene Walker to give its report. Rolene reported on behalf of a working group consistng of herself, Philip Gerrie, Amy Baker, Tim Schwartz, Marian Chatfield Taylor, Owain Elliot, David Matchett and Dalton Tedford.

Questions the subcommittee addressed:
Should we accept the gift?
The recommendation is that the meeting should accept the gift for now. We can leave the possibility open to sell off the building in the future if need be. The current estimated value of the building is approximately $550,000.
What is needed to fix up the building?
The recommendation is to make needed repairs to the upper unit at an estimated cost of $67,000 to bring this space up to code. A contractor has provided a detailed outline of needed repairs. It was proposed that acquiring private loans from local Quakers would be possible to cover these costs.
Expenses to the meeting?
Annual income would be between $23,076 to $29,583 for rental income from both flats. Estimated annual residential expenses would be $14,500. It is estimated that the rental income will cover the expenses for taxes, insurance, and management costs.
How the space could be used?
The building is zoned for residential use at this time. The short term recommendation is to rent out the upper flat at market rate until other plans could be made. This space could be used for non-profit office space or Quaker hospitality but this will require further study and potentially a variance to the zoning.

Friends raised concerns about property tax rates going up, about the potential for higher renovation costs (considering additional expenses for foundation, basement, and first floor), and concerns about agreeing to be landlords for tenants at low rates for a long period of time.
The Clerk encouraged the working group to set a meeting at an early date where Friends could share and explore these and other concerns, and, having considered these, to bring the proposal again with any revisions to the next Meeting for Business.

Ministry & Oversight Committee
David Matchett, co-clerk, shared a report from M&O. David shared more information about the Meeting Directory which was recently published. He noted that the listings are now divided into a section showing members and attenders who live in the area and/or are active in the meeting, and another for members who are out of the area. He expressed the committee’s appreciation on Meeting’s behalf for a number of Friends, especially Jan Hartsough, Charles Martin, Adrian Card, and Jeff Mead who have been offering support for Friends in the meeting with needs that have required time and expense. David announced a workshop on February 23 to provide opportunities for Trust Building and Community Building, led by Dorothy Henderson, a Friend from Grass Valley trained in “Non Violent Communication.”  David said that the M&O Retreat Subcommittee will be looking over the tasks of organizing the annual retreat and ask people who plan to attend the retreat to take on these tasks instead of having an on-site coordinator. M&O is also seeking someone willing to serve as assistant registrar for the retreat. Requests are being made to M&O to reconsider the time of First Day meeting for Worship. Some are concerned about the added costs of parking meters and some would like the time to be earlier so it doesn’t break up the day so much. The committee would like to hear more from Friends about their preferences regarding meeting time. Several Friends shared that having meeting for worship at 10 am would be ideal since it works better for families, though this was not a uniform response.  Others expressed reservations.

Property & Finance Committee
Philip Gerrie reported on the basement. Last week small puddles of water were noticed, as from the remains of flooding. The building contractors and an engineer examined the situation and as yet did not find a source of the leak. There was a small amount of water damage to the downstairs office which will be repaired with insurance money. The P&F committee will continue looking for the source of the water. This may be related to rainwater which drains through internal plumbing.

Peace & Social Concerns Committee
Dirk von der Horst, co-clerk, reported for P&SC on three items:
The committee has reduced its meeting schedule to odd-numbered months only.
8-9 Friends viewed the film “Zero Dark Thirty” and had a discussion about military involvement in torture. Quakers are encouraged to consider faithful responses to the issues of tax funded torture through our affiliation with National Religious Coalition for the Abolition of Torture.
How do we integrate the Hartsoughs’ witness for peace (related to their role in a court trial opposing US drone policies) into our witness as a Quaker meeting? Dirk and the committee would like to hear more from Friends about their concerns regarding this situation. What should be the meeting’s witness for peace? What kinds of peace witness should we support in relationship to our Peace Testimony? (Some Friends suggested that P&SC engage this topic in a Second Hour discussion.)

After a period of announcements and sharing of joys and concerns, Meeting closed with worship at 3:30 pm with 17 people in attendance.

Respectfully submitted,

Blake Arnall, Recording Clerk                                                      Stephen Matchett, Clerk of Meeting

Dear Friends,

This past month has flown by...and anxieties and tension are increasing as we get closer to March elections. Although our daily life isn't affected much by the elections we are hearing more and more disturbing news. Today our house helper John said he was late getting to work because a woman had been thrown off a matatu (the 14-seat passenger vans/taxis) as she didn't pay the fare collector the remaining 10 shillings she owed...less than a penny. She died when another matatu ran her over. The other passengers were so outraged they burned the vehicle and the police arrested the driver and fare collector. This happened this morning less than 2 miles from where we live. The price of lives here in Kenya seem to become incredibly cheap around election time. It's not an easy time. We're considering going to England during the election period.

Please pray with us that the Holy Spirit spread a cooling balm across this land.

In peace,

News from Friends

February 2013 News from Ben Lomond Quaker Center

Hicksites, Orthodox, schisms – Oh, my!  Join us for the weekend of February 15-17, when author , theologian, and historian Paul Buckley offers us a close look at Elias Hicks and the Quaker Separations of the 1820s. This was a critical time in Quaker history when Elias Hicks was at the center of the controversies that resulted in the Quaker schisms of the 1820's. Hicks' ideas are still challenging today. We'll explore his advice on how to live a faithful life as we face the world's temptations and consider the relevance of his views to the Society of Friends both then and now.

Back by popular demand, Come As You Are- Reading the Bible with Friends from March 15-17. Stephen Matchett will lead us in Bible reading and discussion that creates a spiritual synergy facilitating new understandings and inspiration of these words about the Word. Even if you have struggled with biblical text in the past, you are more than welcome to join us with an open heart to hearing these words in a different light.

For more information and registration visit:

Nonviolent Communication Workshop Saturday February 23 9AM to 4PM.

M&O is pleased to bring this workshop to the meeting in the interest of community-building and fostering better relationships and communication among meeting members and attenders. We especially encourage people involved in committee work at the meeting to attend.

Nonviolent Communication is among other things a way to hear the needs that underlie our communications with each other, such that if we can be in touch with those needs we can respond to and hear each other better.

The workshop will be led by Dorothy Henderson, who is a member of Grass Valley Meeting and has been the Head of School for the Woolman Semester at Sierra Friends Center. Here's what Dorothy has to say about the workshop:

"Living at Sierra Friends Center for the past 13 years, I have been learning, practicing and teaching Nonviolent Communication as taught by Marshall Rosenberg. Increasingly I have come to value the ways in which NVC illuminates and facilitates my Quaker faith and practice. In this workshop my objective is to share the simple tools of NVC and how I see them applicable to our work for peace and justice in the world, beginning with peace and justice among Friends. It has been my experience that this deceptively simple tool challenges us to fully engage with our belief as Quakers that there is that of God in all beings. I believe our time together has the potential to make the practice of our faith more real and available.
"We will have two sessions. In the morning there will be an introduction to NVC as it helps us to listen deeply to the still voice within. In the afternoon, we will work with the ways NVC can help us hear that of God in others and speak our truth in ways that they can hopefully hear. In both sessions there will be some didactic and much practice. The practice may consist of role plays, dyads, small groups and/or written exercises.
"This is just a dipping of our toes into a profound pool. I look forward to a rich and rewarding experience with all of you."

Please let David Matchett know by Sunday February 17 if you would like to attend. Also please let David know if you have a need for child care. Lunch will be brown bag, or available from the deli next door.

Pacific Yearly Meeting

The upcoming Pacific Yearly Meeting session will be July 29 - Aug 3, 2013, at Mount Madonna Center, in Watsonville CA

The upcoming College Park Quarterly Meeting sessions will be May 17 - 19 at Ben Lomond Quaker Center and October 18 - 20 at Sierra Friends Center

Google Groups for SF Quakers
This is the group to send your late breaking announcements or share other news with the meeting community. You can sign up via the web: You will need to create a free Google user ID and password, if you don’t already have one.

Visit to join or learn more.

A group for young adult Friends in San Francisco is at

A group for parents in the San Francisco Meeting is at

A Google Group for Bay Area Quakers is now available at The group is for Bay Area Quaker meetings, churches, and organizations, as well as individual Friends, to share news of events and activities that would be of interest to Quakers and the general public. Events do not need to be strictly Quaker. For more information, contact Tom Yamaguchi,
Help on using Google Groups is also available at:

Submissions to the newsletter are due by the next-to-last First Day (Sunday) of each month in the News Committee mailbox at the meetinghouse, or by e-mail to This newsletter is also available for reading or downloading on our website at
Members of the News Committee are Kate McCarley (clerk, editor), Eli Bishop (web servant), Jim Pilliod (production), and Noel Schwerin (distribution)

(all events at 65 9th St., unless noted; *see details elsewhere in newsletter)

11a Meeting for Worship




6p Meeting for Worship

12p Peace Vigil

7p Potluck & Quaker Study


10:30a-1p Food Pantry

9:30a Bible Study

11a Meeting for Worship, Community potluck following



7p Property & Finance Mtg
8:30a SFFS Community Mtg for Worship†
6p Meeting for Worship
7p Ministry & Oversight Mtg

12p Peace Vigil

7p Potluck & Quaker Study

10:30a-1p Food Pantry
11a Meeting for Worship
1p Meeting for Business

6p Meeting for Worship
12p Peace Vigil

7p Potluck & Quaker Study


10:30a-1p Food Pantry
9:30a Bible Study

11a Meeting for Worship

6p Meeting for Worship

12p Peace Vigil

7p Potluck & Quaker Study

10:30a-1p Food Pantry
9a-4p Non-Violent Communication Workshop
11a Meeting for Worship



6p Meeting for Worship

12p Peace Vigil

7p Potluck & Quaker Study

10:30a-1p Food Pantry

‡Federal Building, Golden Gate Ave. and Larkin St. †San Francisco Friends School, 250 Valencia St.