Saturday, October 26, 2013

November (Eleventh Month) 2013 Newsletter

65 Ninth Street
San Francisco, CA 94103

November 2013 Newsletter
(Eleventh Month)
Meeting for Worship
& First Day School
Sundays at 11:00 a.m.
Midweek Meeting for Worship, Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m.


 Friends oppose all war as inconsistent with God’s will. As every person is a child of God, we recognize God’s Light also in our adversaries. Violence and injustice deny this reality and violate the teachings of Jesus and other prophets.

 Friends challenge their governments and take personal risks in the cause of peace.We urge one another to refuse to participate in war as soldiers, or as arms manufacturers.We seek ways to support those who refrain from paying taxes that support war. We work to end violence within our own borders, our homes, our streets, and our communities. We support international order, justice, and understanding.

 Become an instrument of peace. At every opportunity, be peacemakers in your homes, workplaces and communities. Steep yourself in the power of the universal Spirit. Examine your actions for the seeds of violence, degradation and destructiveness. Overcome the emotions that lie at the root of violence and nurture instead a spirit of reconciliation and love. Come to know the oneness of all creation and oppose the destruction of the natural world.

Do I live in the virtue of that life and power that takes away the occasion of all wars?

How do I nourish peace within myself as I work for peace in the world?

Do I confront violence wherever it occurs, even when my personal relationships are involved?

Where there is distrust, injustice, or hatred, how am I an instrument of reconciliation and love?

What are we doing to remove the causes of war and destruction of the planet, and to bring about lasting peace?

Do we reach out to all parties in a conflict with courage and love?

Meeting for Business began at 1:06 pm. During the opening period of worship, Clerk Stephen Matchett read the Advices and Queries on “Personal Relationships” from the Pacific Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice. The reading was followed by reflection in silence with 24 people present.
Stephen Matchett announced that Krista Barnard is acting as Recording Clerk for this Meeting for Business in Blake Arnall’s absence.
Approval of Previous Months’ Minutes

10-01: Meeting approves the minutes of July 14, 2013, and of September 8, 2013, as presented.

Treasurer’s Third-Quarter Report
Amy Baker, treasurer, presented the report for the third quarter of 2013 (report attached to archived copy of these minutes). Individual donations are at approximately 30% of budgeted total, which is not unusual for this time of year. Meeting space use is already over 100% of the expected total for the entire year. Interest and dividend income is at 23% of total because projections for the year did not accurately reflect the proportion of our accumulated funds that we intended to spend down. The expenses for water, substitute building manager, and subsidy of the retreat are all higher than budgeted. Meeting Assistance and Giving is very low at this point because most of those donations are made in the fourth quarter. Committee expenses are lower than 75% of budget. On the balance sheet, we can see that during the quarter we have spent money from the Sharing Fund and the Building Maintenance Fund. The kitchen/AFSC remodel is complete, therefore that fund is shown as $0, the remaining money having been returned to the general fund. Meeting accepted the report.

The clerk read the report of the visiting committee for Owain Elliott-Sowaal, which Friends heard at last business meeting and had been seasoning since.

10-02: Meeting approves Owain Lynn Elliott-Sowaal as a member of San Francisco Monthly Meeting. Marian Chatfield-Taylor, convener; Paula Joyce; and Charles Martin will act as a welcoming committee.

Ministry & Oversight Queries Activity
We spent time responding in writing to queries prepared by Ministry & Oversight Committee concerning meeting for worship. People were invited to read one another’s answers and to continue this activity after meeting for business today and after meeting for worship in the coming weeks. The posted queries were the following:
   •What role does meeting for worship play for you and your family during the week?
   •Does the idea of a Sabbath resonate with you and if so, how?
   •If you needed meeting in a time of challenge and/or crisis, what was that experience like, for you?
   •Is there anything you and your family do to prepare for meeting for worship on First Day? 
After the period of writing, we spent time in reflection and speaking aloud about the process.

Naming Committee
David Ackerly, Anne Hitch Collins, and Kate Frankel are the members of Nominating Committee whose terms continue for the calendar year 2014, while Arthur Koch’s, Daniel Nakamura’s and Sandra Schwartz’s terms are ending at the end of 2013.  The clerk called for a period of worshipful silence out of which Friends might volunteer themselves or nominate others to serve on an ad hoc Naming Committee to nominate new members of Nominating Committee.

10-03: Meeting appoints Owain Elliott-Sowaal as one member of an ad hoc Naming Committee, to bring nominations of three Friends next month to serve a two-year term on Nominating Committee beginning on January 1, 2014, and of one continuing member (ideally) to clerk the committee for the coming year. Clerk Stephen Matchett will work with Owain to expand the membership of the Naming Committee.

Ministry & Oversight Committee
Markley Morris, co-clerk, reported for Ministry and Oversight. Jeff Mead has written requesting that his membership be laid down. David Matchett, Rolene Walker, and Steve Leeds will serve as a committee to meet with him. Markley read the report of the Paula Stinson Membership Committee, which recommends acceptance of her as a member. We will season the recommendation for a month and will act on it at the next meeting for business. M&O agreed to explore membership with long-time attenders, and will speak individually with likely candidates.

Property & Finance Committee
Philip Gerrie, clerk, reported for Property and Finance. A job description has been created for the building manager, a 25-hour-per-week position. The description will serve as the basis for a planned annual review of the building manager. Concerning the bequest from Jan and Jack deBeers, more is known about the amounts and timing. From Jan there will be approximately $30,000, and it will take some months to be resolved. From Jack, there will be 10% of his $1.5 million estate, which will take longer to be resolved.
After announcements and sharing of joys and concerns, a closing period of worship ended at 3:53 pm with 21 people in attendance.

Respectfully submitted,

Krista Barnard, Acting Recording Clerk                       
Stephen Matchett, Clerk of Meeting

Meeting News

News from Children’s Religious Education Committee

Budding young chefs, one-and-all! Max Millard will be cooking with children while their parents/guardians are at Meeting for Business. He did so in October, and will be cooking again in the kitchen in November. If parents/guardians might plan ahead and let me know if a child will be staying for childcare during MFB, I may then let Max know how many ingredients to bring.

Thank you, Friends.

Kate Frankel, Co-Chair CREC (

From Chad Stephenson:
Ian Singleton and I are continuing to host a 
teen program each first Sunday through next May to give a place for Quaker teens to come together at the Meetinghouse during Meeting for Worship. We are designing the program to coincide with the Meeting's Advices and Queries for that month and stem off from there as the teens offer their insights and guidance on what they are interested in exploring. We aim to provide a supportive, engaging, and fun meeting time for teens in the Meeting to explore their Quaker heritage and would love for your families to be a part. I hope your teen(s) can join us the first Sunday each month!

Events with the Friends School

Wednesday, November 6 (1st Wednesday)
8:40am – 9:15am
SFFM is invited to the monthly community-wide meeting for worship at San Francisco Friends School, 250 Valencia St., between Clinton Park and Brosnan St., near 14th St. Enter on Brosnan. Meeting ends with a ringing of a single bell. A half hour of worship is often followed by the singing of "Simple Gifts."  Parents, family members, friends, and supporters are all welcome to come and participate with the entire school.

Sunday, November 24 (4th Sunday)
San Francisco Friends School students, who are kindergarten through 8th graders, and their parents are invited to join us for meeting for worship.

November 2013 News from Ben Lomond Quaker Center

Back by popular demand, we are once again hosting our low-cost Music and Dance Retreat for only $60-$100 per person for a weekend filled with a variety of singing and a few dancing opportunities. Bring your kids and grandkids or just yourselves and join us from December 6-8th for a few days of fun making food, music, and song together with a professionally called community dance on Saturday night. Find out more and register online at

Our annual year end retreat will focus on John Woolman: The Place of Prayer Is a Precious Habitation from December 27th – January 1st.  Rachel Findley will facilitate our exploration of John Woolman’s life, his grounding in the Bible, in the Quaker community, in the working of reason—and how he allowed the Inward Teacher to guide him through painful dilemmas. We will join Woolman as we feel for the first motion of love, look clearly into the world that stirs around us, let go and submit to the guidance of the divine Source. More information and online registration are available on the Quaker Center website at

Pacific Yearly Meeting

The upcoming Pacific Yearly Meeting session will be July 14-19, 2014 at Walker Creek Ranch in Petaluma, CA

College Park Quarterly Meeting

The upcoming College Park Quarterly Meeting will be January 18 (Saturday) at San Francisco

Google Groups for SF Quakers

This is the group to send your late breaking announcements or share other news with the meeting community. You can sign up via the web: You will need to create a free Google user ID and password, if you don’t already have one.

Visit to join or learn more.

A group for young adult Friends in San Francisco is at

A group for parents in the San Francisco Meeting is at

A Google Group for Bay Area Quakers is now available at The group is for Bay Area Quaker meetings, churches, and organizations, as well as individual Friends, to share news of events and activities that would be of interest to Quakers and the general public. Events do not need to be strictly Quaker. For more information, contact Tom Yamaguchi,
Help on using Google Groups is also available at:

Submissions to the newsletter are due by the next-to-last First Day (Sunday) of each month in the News Committee mailbox at the meetinghouse, or by e-mail to This newsletter is also available for reading or downloading on our website at

Members of the News Committee are Kate McCarley (clerk, editor), Eli Bishop (web servant), Catherine Fox (production), and Noel Schwerin (distribution)

(all events at 65 9th St., unless noted; *see details elsewhere in newsletter)
9:15 Non-Violent Comm. Practice Group
11a Meeting for Worship




12p Peace Vigil

7p Potluck & Quaker Study


10:30a-1p Food Pantry


9:30a Bible Study
11a Meeting for Worship, Community potluck following



7p Property & Finance Mtg
8:40a-9:15a SFFS Community Meeting for Worship
6p Meeting for Worship
7p Ministry & Oversight Mtg

12p Peace Vigil

7p Potluck & Quaker Study

10:30a-1p Food Pantry

11a Meeting for Worship
1p Meeting for Business
6p Meeting for Worship
12p Peace Vigil
7p Potluck & Quaker Study

10:30a-1p Food Pantry

9:30a Bible Study
11a Meeting for Worship


6p Meeting for Worship

12p Peace Vigil
7p Potluck & Quaker Study

10:30a-1p Food Pantry
9:15 Non-Violent Comm. Practice Group
11a Meeting for Worship


6p Meeting for Worship

12p Peace Vigil
7p Potluck & Quaker Study
10:30a-1p Food Pantry
‡Federal Building, Golden Gate Ave. and Larkin St. †San Francisco Friends School, 250 Valencia St.