Friday, May 24, 2013

June (Sixth Month) 2013 Newsletter

June 2013 Newsletter
(Sixth Month)
Meeting for Worship
& First Day School
Sundays at 11:00 a.m.
Midweek Meeting for Worship, Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m.

In the words of William Penn, “True godliness don’t draw men out of the world, but enables them to live better in it and excites their endeavors to mend it.” Elsewhere he commented: “It is a reproach to religion and government to suffer so much poverty and excess.

Poverty within a wealthy society is unjust, cruel, and often linked to skin color, gender, and language. We must examine our own privilege and role in the economic order that deepens this disparity. Friends should be alert to oppression and injustice, and persistent in working against them.

We value our part in shaping the laws of our country. Our task is to see that laws serve God’s purposes and build a just social order. Our first allegiance should be to God, and if this conflicts with any compulsion of the state, we serve our country best by remaining true to our higher loyalty.

If, by divine leading, our attention is focused on a law that is contrary to God’s law, we must proceed with care. Before acting, Friends should pray for further guidance and speak with the Meeting, family members, and all those who might be affected by the decision. If a decision involves disobedience to the law, we should make the grounds of our action clear to all concerned and be prepared to suffer any penalties without evasion. As a community, we must care for those who suffer for conscience’s sake.

What am I doing to carry my share of responsibility for the government of our community, nation, and world?

Am I persistent in my efforts to promote constructive change?

How do we attend to the suffering of others in our local community, in our state and nation, and in the world community?

Do we try to understand the causes of suffering, and do we address them as a Meeting?

How do we, individually and as a Meeting, support the organizations that work to bring the testimonies of Friends into reality in our society?

After a period of worship, Meeting for Business began at 1:08 pm with 23 people present. Clerk Stephen Matchett opened with a reading of PYM’s Advices & Queries on “Harmony with Creation.” We reflected on this reading in silence and spoken ministry.

Previous Month’s Minutes

5-01: Meeting approves the minutes of April 14, 2013, as presented.

State of the Meeting Report
The clerk noted that the final version of this year’s state of the meeting report, with revisions requested at April’s meeting, was reproduced in the May newsletter, and that he would also be attaching a copy to today’s minutes.  (Copy attached to archive copy of these minutes.)

Announce Annual Meeting of Corporation
The clerk announced the annual meeting of San Francisco Friends Meeting, Inc., to be held at our next Meeting for Business on Sunday, June 9th, 2013 at 1 pm.

PYM Representative Committee Report 
On behalf of our PYM Rep, Rose Medellin, Stephen Matchett reported some highlights of the recent PYM Representative Committee meeting. The theme of the 2013 PYM annual session is “Being Reached by the Life.” Registration is now open for the gathering which will be held at Mt. Madonna Center July 29 – Aug 3, 2013. ( At this session, Friends will be called on to discern if the paid Youth Program Coordinator (YPC) position should continue, which Rep Com recommended at its meeting. In addition, should the YPC position be continued, Pacific Friends Outreach Society (PFOS)--the group originally dedicated to finding PYM a permanent meeting site, which has now decided to lay itself down as an organization--has offered to give its current assets of $400,000 to PYM to create an endowment which would help defray the non-salary program costs of the YPC position. Please share your support or concerns about the paid position and the PFOS proposal to Rose, or be sure to participate in the relevant business sessions if you attend the gathering.

Pending Nominations
The clerk reviewed the nominations brought forward last month. No concerns were expressed. 

5-02: Meeting approves the following appointments (for terms ending April 30 of the year shown, unless otherwise indicated):  SF Friends School Quaker Life Committee representative: Krista Barnard 8/31/2015; Children’s Religious Education Committee: Michelina Matarrese 2015; Hospitality & Community: Lorin Gillin 2015; News Committee: Catherine Fox 2015; Welcoming Committee:  Philip Gerrie 2015.

Treasurer’s First-Quarter Financial Report
Amy Baker, treasurer, presented her first-quarter financial report of 2013 (copy of report attached to archive copy of these minutes.)  Current income and expenses are “right on track” for the year so far. The balance sheet reflects the spending down of the Kitchen/AFSC remodel fund (including approved infusions from the General Fund) as Amy reported last month, as well as reductions to the Roof Repair and Engineering reserve funds, which were used to replenish the General Fund, also as previously reported.  Current assets are sufficient to cover expected and any emergency building expenses this year. In response to a question, Amy explained that she will be setting up a separate set of accounts for the Rausch Street property when we take title and begin renovations there, which she will also report on regularly to Meeting.

5-03: Meeting accepts the Treasurer’s first-quarter financial report.

Ministry & Oversight Committee
Markley Morris, co-clerk, reported of recent actions taken by the committee:
- Owain Elliot’s request to become a member was received. A membership clearness committee is being formed and will be convened by Marian Chatfield-Taylor.
- M&O recommends Meeting approve the request of Demece and Sally Garepis-Holland to transfer their memberships to Scarsdale Meeting.
M&O needs two additional committee members, if you are interested please speak to a member of the Nominating Committee. Membership in San Francisco Monthly Meeting is a requirement.  M&O has received concerns about excessive speaking in business meeting, and reminds Friends that the business meeting is itself a meeting for worship.  Also, Friends with concerns they would like to have Meeting consider are reminded that these should be brought first to an appropriate committee and seasoned there, rather than raising them for the first time on the floor of the Meeting for Business.

5-04: Meeting approves Demece Garepis-Holland’s and Sally Garepis-Holland’s requests to transfer their memberships to Scarsdale (NY) Monthly Meeting.

Property & Finance Committee
Philip Gerrie, clerk, reported that committee member Larry Pettit informs the committee that in order to pursue possible assistance by the Philanthropy by Design organization in the design and furnishing of our kitchen community area, they require a resolution designating and authorizing him to be in contact with them on our behalf.

5-05: San Francisco Friends Meeting authorizes Larry Pettit or any other member of our Property & Finance Committee to inquire and consult with Philanthropy By Design about possible assistance with design and furnishing of our multipurpose kitchen alcove.

Anyone willing to help coordinate a NERT (Neighborhood Emergency Response Team) training session at the meetinghouse, in cooperation with Conard House, please contact a member of the P&F committee. Philip also drew Friends’ attention to the recently donated piano in the fellowship hall, replacing the one damaged in last year’s flood, and thanked Rolene Walker for making sure it was in playable condition before we took delivery.

Report of Friends Committee on Legislation of CA Representative
Sandra Schwartz, one of Meeting’s FCLCA reps, reported a request to support CA Senate Bill 649 (giving prosecutors discretion to charge “simple drug possession” as a misdemeanor rather than felony) and Assembly Bill 4 – Trust Act (support for undocumented people who do not have a criminal record). These are bills FCLCA have endorsed and co-sponsored in some cases. Please contact your state representatives to offer your input.  You can also easily send messages to them through the FCLCA website at Sandra will provide more information for our next newsletter.
After a period of announcements and sharing of joys and concerns, Meeting closed with worship at 2:16 pm with 27 people in attendance.
Respectfully submitted,

Blake Arnall, Recording Clerk                 
Stephen Matchett, Clerk of Meeting

Dear Friends,

May has brought good things into our AVP program. Linus Wafula and 11 others from the Roots & Shoots program have completed a Basic AVP workshop and are all fired up to bring AVP to the schools where they run their clubs. We are meeting with Linus and some of his team tomorrow to discuss the way forward. Today our Coordinator Wambui had an extremely successful meeting with chaplains and then the head of Prisons here in Nairobi. The head of Prisons has experienced the power of AVP through work done in the prisons in Mombasa where she was previously posted. She gave us a green light and asked if we could start working in the women's prison next week. It was wonderful to hear Wambui so excited about the positive outcome.

I've been in contact with Emily Schwartz who wants to come and intern with us for 3 months next year, which is exciting as well. 

Personally we've been having a nice time with Anand's brother who has been here visiting us from London. Anand is going back with his brother to London for a big family reunion but I'll be staying to keep the home fires burning. My practice is full and much more enjoyable now that I no longer have to commute.

Sending love and light,

Meeting News

Meeting Directory Updates and Additions

If you’d like to be added to the 2013-2014 Meeting Directory please complete the form included in this month’s newsletter. If you’re already listed, please review your entry and make any updates to your contact information on this form. Return the form in the M&O mail slot in the lobby or email by June 15th, 2013. Thanks!

June 2013 News from Ben Lomond Quaker Center

Summer camp season is less than a month away and we are counting the days until our Quaker Center Youth Camps start! This year we have a lot to look forward to with both Quaker and Service Camps happening during the same week. Quaker Camp will be held in the Redwood Lodge, and Service Camp will take place in the Orchard Lodge. Peace Action Camp will take place in La Jolla and Stephen Myers will once again direct all our camps, with help from Jim Summers and Mary Klein for Peace Action Camp. We are offering a 10% sibling discount and $50 off for both you and a friend if you bring a new camper with you. For more information visit  or call Bob or Kathy Runyan at Quaker Center at 831-336-8333 with questions.

§  June 29th - July 7th: Quaker Camp: for rising 4th, 5th, or 6th graders to explore Quaker testimonies experientially. Activities include: community building games, swimming, hiking around Quaker Center, campfires, music, community service, and a field trip to the beach.

§  June 29th - July 7th: Service Camp: for teens entering 7th, 8th, or 9th grade to serve others while having a good time. We will be of service in the local community and go on hikes in the Santa Cruz area. We'll also take field trips to a local Friend's pool and to the beach.

§  July 21st - 27th: Peace Action Camp: at La Jolla Friends Meeting for rising 10th - 12th grade teens to explore border issues as they relate to Friends' testimonies around peace, justice and environmental stewardship with inward and outward nonviolence, including nonviolent direct action, community service, and outdoor adventure.

Do you feel like you're missing out on all the fun of summer camp?  All ages are welcome to our annual Family Work Camp from August 4th-9th.  Join us for a week of putting our hands and hearts to work on improvements to Quaker Center facilities while building community among us. Please register early for all Quaker Center programs online,

Pacific Yearly Meeting

The upcoming Pacific Yearly Meeting session will be July 29 - Aug 3, 2013, at Mount Madonna Center, in Watsonville CA

College Park Quarterly Meeting


The upcoming College Park Quarterly Meeting session will be October 18 - 20 (Fri-Sun) at Sierra Friends Center

Google Groups for SF Quakers
This is the group to send your late breaking announcements or share other news with the meeting community. You can sign up via the web: You will need to create a free Google user ID and password, if you don’t already have one.

Visit to join or learn more.

A group for young adult Friends in San Francisco is at

A group for parents in the San Francisco Meeting is at

A Google Group for Bay Area Quakers is now available at The group is for Bay Area Quaker meetings, churches, and organizations, as well as individual Friends, to share news of events and activities that would be of interest to Quakers and the general public. Events do not need to be strictly Quaker. For more information, contact Tom Yamaguchi,
Help on using Google Groups is also available at:

Submissions to the newsletter are due by the next-to-last First Day (Sunday) of each month in the News Committee mailbox at the meetinghouse, or by e-mail to This newsletter is also available for reading or downloading on our website at
Members of the News Committee are Kate McCarley (clerk, editor), Eli Bishop (web servant), Catherine Fox (production), and Noel Schwerin (distribution)

If you’d like to be added to the Meeting Directory please complete this form. If you’re already listed, please review your entry and make any updates to your contact information on this form. Return the form in the M&O mail slot in the lobby or email by June 15th, 2013. Thanks!

___New listing    ___Revised Listing
Name: ______
Phone: ______
Alternate phone: ______
Email: ______
Quaker affiliation   ___Attender    ___Member of ______________________________________ Meeting
Significant other: ______
Address: ______
City, State, Zip: ______
Children: ______

(all events at 65 9th St., unless noted; *see details elsewhere in newsletter)
11a Meeting for Worship


6p Meeting for Worship

12p Peace Vigil

7p Potluck & Quaker Study


10:30a-1p Food Pantry

9:30a Bible Study
11a Meeting for Worship, Community potluck following



7p Property & Finance Mtg
8:30a SFFS Community Mtg for Worship†
6p Meeting for Worship
7p Ministry & Oversight Mtg

12p Peace Vigil

7p Potluck & Quaker Study

10:30a-1p Food Pantry
11a Meeting for Worship
1p Meeting for Business
6p Meeting for Worship
12p Peace Vigil
7p Potluck & Quaker Study


10:30a-1p Food Pantry
9:30a Bible Study
11a Meeting for Worship

6p Meeting for Worship

12p Peace Vigil
7p Potluck & Quaker Study

10:30a-1p Food Pantry
 9:15 Non-Violent Comm. Practice Group
11a Meeting for Worship_______________
30 9am Extended Meeting for Worship



6p Meeting for Worship

12p Peace Vigil

7p Potluck & Quaker Study

10:30a-1p Food Pantry
‡Federal Building, Golden Gate Ave. and Larkin St. †San Francisco Friends School, 250 Valencia St.