Saturday, March 29, 2014

April (Fourth Month) 2014 Meeting Newsletter

April 2014 Newsletter
(Fourth Month)
Meeting for Worship
& First Day School
Sundays at 11:00 a.m.
Midweek Meeting for Worship, Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m.

Stewardship and Vocation

John Woolman said, “As Christians all we possess are the gifts of God… To turn all the treasures we possess into the channel of Universal Love becomes the business of our lives.” The principle of stewardship applies to all we have and are. As individuals, we are called to use our time, our various abilities, our strength, our money, and our material possessions with care, managing them wisely and sharing them generously.

From the indwelling Seed of God, we discover our particular gifts and discern the service to which we are called. In making choices about occupation or education, consider the way that offers the fullest opportunity to develop your individual abilities and contribute to the world community while providing for yourself and your family. In daily work, manifest a spirit of justice and understanding, and thus give a living witness to the truth.

Be ready to limit engagements, to withdraw for a time, or even to retire from an activity that inhibits your ability to follow a higher call. Try to discern the right moment to accept new responsibilities as well as to relinquish responsibility that can pass to others. Be open to your calling in different stages of life. Meetings need the strength and vigor of young people as well as the experience and wisdom of elders. Although they may not be able to contribute great financial support, their energy and insight invigorate the community. As people begin careers and families, they may need the spiritual and experienced help of the Meeting. Later, when families are growing up and careers are established, greater participation in the Meeting and greater financial support may become possible. Welcome the approach of old age, your own and others’, as an opportunity for wisdom and greater attachment to the Light.Meetings should be ready with material and spiritual support for those suffering from unemployment or facing difficult vocational decisions.

How have I been faithful to the leadings of the Spirit in choosing work or vocation?

What am I doing with my talents, time, money, and possessions? Am I sharing them according to the Light I am given?

Is my conduct at the workplace consistent with my life as a Friend?

How does my daily work enhance my spiritual life?

How does the Meeting help and support members who are in job transitions?

San Francisco Monthly Meeting
March (Third Month) Meeting for Business

Meeting for Business began at 1:00 pm with 25 people present. After a period of worship, the clerk read a passage from the PYM Advices & Queries for Third month on “The Meeting for Business.” The reading was followed by silent reflection.

Approval of Previous Month’s Minutes

3-01: Meeting approves the minutes of February 9, 2014 as presented.

Quarterly Meeting Winter Session Follow-up Report
Notes from the College Park Quarterly Meeting winter session having become available since our meeting last month, Alice Elliott-Sowaal, Quarterly representative, supplemented her earlier report with a few items not mentioned last month:  (1)A proposal from Delta Meeting to divide Pacific Yearly Meeting into two geographically appropriate meetings, which will be discussed at the Spring session of Quarterly; (2)An initiative to offer ongoing Children’s Spiritual Development and Religious Education classes in the Bay Area for grade school children (our member Beth Bird is involved in this), (3)Former CPQM clerk Bob Runyan’s interest group following up on his survey of Friends’ understanding about the purpose and mission of Quakerism. Bob will be traveling within PYM to expand this conversation in 2014.

PYM Representative Committee Report
Steve Leeds, former Pacific Yearly Meeting representative, reported that PYM RepCom met last week in Pasadena, California. They are planning the 68th Annual Session which will be July 14-19, 2014 at Walker Creek Ranch in Marin County. Steve encouraged Friends to consider attending and to register early. Minutes from RepCom and more information about the summer session is available on the PYM website:

State of the Meeting Report Preparation
Stephen Matchett, clerk of meeting, reported that he would like input to help him prepare our 2014 State of the Meeting report. He will ask Friends to answer queries about the spiritual life of our meeting community. Friends with interest in a particular topic should let Stephen know and he will forward the appropriate query for reflection.

San Francisco Friends School Quaker Life Committee
Krista Barnard, S.F. Friends School Quaker Life Committee representative, reported that the school’s focus this is on the testimony of Integrity. A three-day event titled “Let your life speak” will take place in March. One of the activities will be a letter writing campaign led by 7th graders encouraging action on a variety of social issues. Readings on this testimony were sent to parents. Krista also reported that the school recently completed an extensive self-study as part of renewing its membership in the Friends’ Council on Education. The FCE site visit committee will be spending time at the school for two days in March.  Friends School families and staff have been invited to worship with us on April 6 and join our potluck, so Friends are encouraged bring a dish that day.  There will be a second-hour presentation that day on Horizons, the school’s new summer program for low-income neighborhood children.

Nominating Committee
David Ackerly, co-clerk, presented the first roster of nominations for 2014. (Names of people currently serving terms beyond the current year are in regular type; new nominations are in bold; “*” indicates a repeat appointment; italics indicate service as committee clerk; terms are through April 30 of the year shown unless otherwise specified.)
Officers & Representatives:

Clerk: no nomination; Assistant Clerk: no nomination; Recording Clerk: Anne Marie Snell ('15); Treasurer: Amy Baker ('15)*; Recorder: Bruce Folsom ('15)*; Historian-Archivist: Bruce Folsom ('15)*; CPQM Representative: Alice Sowaal ('15)*; PYM Representative: Rose Medellin (9/30/15)*; AFSC Liaison: Charles Martin ('15)*; FCNL Contact: Paula Stinson ('15)*; FCLCA Representative: Sandra Schwartz ('15)*; SFFS Quaker Life Cmte Reps: Krista Barnard (8/31/15), Sandra Schwartz (8/31/16)

CHILDREN’S RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Anne Collins ('15), Chad Stephenson ('15), Ian Singleton ('15), Micheline Matarrese ('15), Kate Frankel ('16, clerk '15), Neil Fullagar ('16)*, David Erickson ('16), David Cowen ('16)
HOSPITALITY & COMMUNITY: Lorin Gillin ('15), Catherine Horton ('15), Art Koch ('15), Bob Kovsky ('15), Dawn Moore ('15), Ryan Murphy ('15), John O'Connor ('15), Anne Brodzky Williams ('15), Tony Williams ('15), Peter Rothaug ('16, clerk '15)*, Rose Medellin ('16), Eric Myers ('16), Anne Collins ('16), Jan Hartsough ('16), David Erickson ('16), Lydia Cohen ('16)
LIBRARY: Krista Barnard ('15), Bruce Folsom (ex. of., clerk '15)*, David Gregory ('16)*, Nancy Lewis ('16)*, Dan Nakamura ('16)*
MINISTRY & OVERSIGHT: Meeting clerk (ex. of.), Marian Chatfield-Taylor ('15), Rolene Walker ('15), Steve Leeds ('16), Anne Brodzky Williams ('16), Larry Pettit ('17), Krista Barnard ('17), Robert Kovsky ('17)*, two positions open, & no nomination for clerk at the moment
NEWS: Eli Bishop (web servant, '15), Catherine Fox ('15), Kate McCarley (editor '16, clerk '15)
PEACE & SOCIAL CONCERNS: Paula Stinson (ex officio), Larry Pettit ('15), John O'Connor ('15), Charles Martin ('16, ex of., clerk '15)*, Sandra Schwartz ('16, ex of.), David Breitzman ('16), Dee Takemura ('16), Sherri Maurin ('16), Owain Elliott-Sowaal ('16), Martha Larson ('16)
PROPERTY & FINANCE: Amy Baker (ex of.), Philip Gerrie ('16)*, Tim Schwartz ('16)*, Carol Cruickshank ('16)*, at least one position open, & no nomination for clerk at the moment
RAUSCH ST: Philip Gerrie (co-clerk, '15), Rolene Walker (co-clerk, '15), Amy Baker ('15), Marian Chatfield-Taylor ('15), Tim Schwartz ('15)
WELCOMING: Cheryl Hendrickson ('15), Philip Gerrie ('15), Ruth Sheldon ('15), Ann Marie Snell ('16, clerk '15), Amy Baker ('16), Blake Arnall ('16), Philip Gerrie ('16)*, Leesa Greenlee ('16)*

Meeting will season these nominations for one month. David noted that Nominating continues seeking a clerk of meeting, clerks for Ministry & Oversight and Property & Finance, and to fill the open slots on those two committees.  Additional nominations are also being explored for the News Committee.

Stephen invited a conversation about the clerkship of meeting, and shared some ideas about how certain of the duties might be shared or redistributed to help streamline the clerk’s role and make the prospect of accepting that position somewhat less daunting to someone considering it.  For example, as many meetings do, other Friends could be designated to close Meeting for Worship and make announcements. Another idea, also followed by many meetings, would be to have co-clerks who could share or rotate responsibilities. Stephen also noted that a custom in our meeting has frequently been to have the immediate past clerk (or other past clerk) serve as assistant clerk to the newly appointed clerk, and that he has indicated to Nominating that he is willing and available for this service in the coming year.  In fact, a model used by at least one national Friends organization and some meetings that we might consider is a four-year cycle in which in the first year a newly appointed assistant clerk learns about the role from the still-serving clerk; in the second, that assistant clerk becomes clerk, assisted by the clerk just replaced; in the third, the now-experienced clerk serves a second year, assisted by a newly appointed assistant; and in the fourth, they serve one final year, as outgoing assistant clerk to the newly appointed clerk.
During a period of reflection, Friends spoke about the role of clerks and the importance of developing and supporting leadership within our meeting.

Ministry & Oversight Committee
David Matchett, co-clerk, reported that the visiting committee for Keith Wedmore’s requested transfer from Marin Meeting met with Keith, and that M&O was forwarding with approval their recommendation that we accept his transfer of membership.

3-02 Meeting approves Keith Wedmore’s transfer of membership from Marin Monthly Meeting.

While we await certificates of transfer from Adelphi Meeting for Sandra Schwartz and Tim Schwartz, the visiting committee for Sandra has met, and David read their report recommending acceptance.  A committee has also been formed to meet with Tim. Friends are asked to hold our attender John Standing in the Light during his current illness. David reported that the past two sessions of “topic tables” at the monthly potluck have been well received and will continue in May. The current practice of inviting “Joys and Concerns” at the end of Meeting for Worship will continue. Please contact M&O if you have any concerns or feedback about this practice.

Property & Finance Committee
Philip Gerrie, clerk, reported that P&F is in discernment about the bequests from Jan and Jack de Beers and how the meeting could make the best use of these gifts. Proposals under consideration include: (1)Directing the de Beers gifts to the Rausch Street renovation project (it no being lost on the committee that one Friend left the meeting a building needing about $180,000 worth of work around the same time these Friends left us about $180,000); (2)Put half the money toward Rausch St. and half into a “rainy day” reserve fund; (3)Put some portion toward Rausch, some toward a rainy day reserve and some toward improvements to the 9th Street property. During a period of discussion, Friends shared about how the meeting could best steward its resources for Quaker purposes. Ideas or concerns about the use of the de Beers bequests should be brought to a member of P&F.

Peace & Social Concerns Committee
Charles Martin, acting co-clerk, reported that there will be a world day of action against military spending on April 14th. There will be a series of leafleting opportunities at BART stations, contact Sandra Schwartz if you would like to join this action. 
Please join members of P&SC on April 18th for the annual Good Friday worship and non-violent witness for peace at Livermore Nuclear Weapons Laboratory. Please contact Jan and David Hartsough if you would like more information. 
Charles reported that P&SC will contribute $150 to support a new mural for The 67 SueƱos Project. If you would like to contribute to the mural, please contact P&SC.
The committee is discussing support for a Friday night sandwich distribution program to help homeless individuals in the area. P&SC would like to sponsor the program and contribute $100 a month to support the volunteers and purchase food supplies. If you would like more information or want to volunteer please contact a member of P&SC.
After a period of announcements and sharing of joys and concerns, Meeting for Business closed with worship at 3 pm with 23 people in attendance.
Respectfully submitted,

Blake Arnall, Recording Clerk                                                      Stephen Matchett, Clerk of Meeting

Meeting News

Annual Retreat

Looking forward to the Annual Memorial Day Retreat

A pizza party at the Meeting House on March 23 got registration started for this year’s traditional Memorial Day Retreat at Quaker Center (near Santa Cruz), to be held on May 23 to May 25, 2014.  Once a year, we come together in actual community for a long weekend.  A cook prepares meals and Friends help reduce the cost by doing the chores.   Kids run free and adults relax, especially when the sun shines.  The Meeting provides financial support so that all can participate regardless of capacity to pay.  Attenders and newcomers are especially welcome.  Please review the registration form attached to the newsletter and send it in soon.  Registration closes on May 18, 2004.  The registrar is Ann Marie Snell at (415) 810-5670 or  Questions can be sent to Bob Kovsky at (510) 482-4897 or

Dear Friends,

Life continues to be rich and full. I've had an especially busy time at work in the past few weeks - on average I'm seeing 25 clients each week.  
On March 15th I traveled to LA to be with my Mom for a week and then with my sister for a week in San Antonio while each respectively underwent treatment and saw their doctors.   The news is positive as they are both responding well and have improved over the last 6 weeks.   I will be heading back to Nairobi and starting to let my clients know that I'll be leaving at the end of June.
I'm also finishing up my duties as clerk of Nairobi's silent meeting in June.   After our last business meeting we heard the good news that two of our members are willing to share the position which is a relief.
Emily has done a great job and succeeded in getting an article about AVP in a local newspaper. She leaves Kenya the day after I return to Nairobi.
Being in the US has made me come face to face with how unclear the future is.   We are considering moving to San Antonio for a few months to be near my sister and her husband but don't know much more than that.   In my devotions today, I was reminded that God asks us to wait and be guided, knowing with full certainty that He is preparing the way.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support.


March 2014 News from AFSC

Remembering Iraq
At a March 19 event at the SF Unitarian Universalist Church (1187 Franklin St., SF), we will be remembering Iraq through the stories and experiences shared by our panel of speakers, Inder Comar, American lawyer who is representing Iraqi single Mother Sundus Saleh in a lawsuit against Bush and six other members of his administration; Aaron Hughes, Iraq war veteran, activist and artist who served In Iraq between 2003 and 2004; and Zaid Faranasso, Iraqi refugee and former doctor at Abu Ghraib Medical Center. The event takes place at 6PM
Confronting the Holocaust: American Responses
This year, we commemorate the anniversaries of two seminal events in Holocaust history: the refugee crisis in the spring of 1939 and the deportation of Hungarian Jews five years later. American responses to the persecution and murder of European Jews invite reflection on the role of individuals, organizations, and governments in confronting hatred and mass atrocities, then as well as today.
Days of Remembrance
US Holocaust Center Film Showing followed by discussion
Tuesday April 29th at 7 pm
AFSC, San Francisco Friends Meetinghouse
65 9th Street, San Francisco
between Mission and Market, two blocks from Civic Center BART/MUNI
Solitary Confinement and Faith Communities
Laura Magnani of AFSC will give a talk at the Unitarian Fellowship Hall, Cedar and Bonita Streets in Berkeley, on solitary confinement. The event is April 6, 2014, from 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. Following three hunger strikes by prisoners protesting their conditions of isolation many changes are being proposed. You can be part of the solutions, whether you choose to work at the legislative level, the arena of public opinion, or just helping to spread the word.

April 2014 News from Ben Lomond Quaker Center

Seed and Soil: Growing the Beloved Community, begins Sunday, April 13th – Friday, April 18th. Jim Anderson, will return to co-facilitate another weeklong program with Marilee Eusebio, and Diego Navarro. Each day will be grounded in expectant worship, group study, worship sharing, and time to explore other daily spiritual practices. Evenings will hold both lively and meaningful group activities. We hope that this week of community life and personal reflection will be a time of spiritual refreshment and help us to return to our meetings and daily life as instruments of renewal as both seed and soil. For more information call Kathy or Bob Runyan at 831-336-8333 and to register online see

Friends can get under the “feel good” level of “Quakerism” if they take a peek into the history, theology and psychology of our faith.  There are some surprises to be found that could make Friends “radicals” in their meeting. Join us from May 30th – June 1st for Quakers: Getting Beyond the What to the Why, with Robert Griswold. What is present or absent in our meetings that keeps us from being a covenant community and engaging in the “lamb’s war"?  Be prepared to look at and question ideas and ideals you have absorbed, and to learn about the process by which beliefs are formed and how they are overcome. Find out more and register online at
Quaker Center Summer Youth Camps will once again be directed by Stephen Myers, with help from Jim Summers and Mary Klein for Peace Action Camp. We are once again holding Quaker Camp and Service Camp simultaneously in our Redwood and Orchard Lodges to maximize resources. For more information visit or call Bob or Kathy Runyan at Quaker Center at 831-336-8333 with questions.

College Park Quarterly Meeting
The upcoming College Park Quarterly Meeting will be May 16 - 18 (Fri-Sun) at Ben Lomond
Pacific Yearly Meeting

The upcoming Pacific Yearly Meeting session will be July 14-19, 2014 at Walker Creek Ranch in Petaluma, CA

Submissions to the newsletter are due by the next-to-last First Day (Sunday) of each month in the News Committee mailbox at the meetinghouse, or by e-mail to This newsletter is also available for reading or downloading on our website at

Members of the News Committee are Kate McCarley (clerk, editor), Eli Bishop (web servant), Catherine Fox (production), and Noel Schwerin (distribution)

Memorial Day Weekend, May 23-26, 2014
Quaker Center, Ben Lomond, California
The Annual Retreat is a traditional seedbed for our Beloved Community.  We want all members, attenders and newcomers to participate.  The Meeting is committed to maintaining the tradition regardless of cost.  At the same time, those participating in the Retreat are asked to pay as much as they can.  Please Register on this side of the form and decide on your Payment, as requested on the other side.


Names of persons in your party and ages of any children

Mail address:

email address:


Housing:   Semi-private rooms are assigned in Orchard Lodge (adjacent to the dining room) and in Redwood Lodge (a short walk away).  Redwood Lodge also has a dormitory.   There is space for campers to put up tents.  Please note if you will be camping or have special needs.
Meal Planning:  Friday evening. folks bring dinner and share. Catered meals are vegetarian.  The chef purchases food in advance.  Everyone should feel satisfied and we also want to avoid waste.  Please checkmark your party’s attendance at meals, with notes for dietary needs, etc.  

___ Saturday Breakfast

___ Sunday Breakfast
___ Monday Breakfast
___ Saturday Lunch
___ Sunday Lunch

___ Monday Lunch
___ Saturday Dinner

___ Sunday Dinner


Please tell us about any changes in attendance or meals as soon as possible.

Service Requirements:   Participants in the Retreat Community assist the chef, prepare tables for meals and wash the pots, pans, dishes and utensils.  Quaker Center must be as clean when we leave as when we arrived.  We will be asking for additional oversight efforts from “senior Retreat participants,” namely, Friends who are familiar with Quaker ways and who have attended previous Retreats.  


The Meeting pays the following costs for Retreat participants:

Åø   Adult:                   Total - $218; Meals - $96; Quaker Center pro rata - $122
Åø   Child, 3-11:          Total - $170; Meals - $48; Quaker Center pro rata - $122
Åø   Child under 3:          No charge
Åø   Day use:                  Quaker Center charge - $8.40

         Our payment to Quaker Center has a Base Fee for up to 40 persons, which stays the same if fewer than 40 participate.  If more than 40 participate, there is a slight reduction per person.  Pro rata costs above are based on 40 participants.

The price appears to be reasonable for a 3-day holiday weekend at a resort in the coastal redwoods with catered meals.  The value to our Meeting and to our Community is beyond measure.
We ask that you pay what you are able to pay.  Please enclose your Payment with your registration.  We are led by Friendly principles of financial stewardship and prefer to avoid pledges or later collections.
We are also asking for donations, in addition to payment for costs, from those who are able to contribute.  Additional donations will be accepted at any time.
Please state the amount of the Payment enclosed and advise us of any other matters or concerns. 
_______         Amount of Payment

Registration must be received before May 18, 2014 for assured registration. Exceptions may be possible but they are chancy.

Please send this form and payment check, if any, written to “San Francisco Friends Meeting” to our Registrar:

Ann Marie Snell
303 Ortega St.
San Francisco, CA 94122

Please bring sheets/blankets/pillow or equivalent.  (A few bedding sets are available for rental.)  Please bring all needed toiletries, towels, etc.  Leave valuables at home; there are no locks on rooms.  Please, no pets or alcoholic beverages.  Smoking is permitted outdoors in marked areas.

For inquiries about registration matters, please call or write Ann Marie Snell at (415) 810-5670 or  Ride-sharing arrangements will begin in May.  Please direct any other questions to On-site Coordinator, Bob Kovsky at (510) 482-4897 or

Calendar of Events for April 2014
(all events at 65 9th St., unless noted; *see details elsewhere in newsletter)
9a Extended Meeting for Worship

8:30a SFFS Community Mtg for Worship†


12p Peace Vigil

7p Potluck & Quaker Study

10:30a-1p Food Pantry

9:30a Bible Study
11a Meeting for Worship, Community Potluck following

7p Property & Finance Mtg


6 Meeting for Worship
7p Ministry & Oversight Mtg

12p Peace Vigil

7p Potluck & Quaker Study

10:30a-1p Food Pantry
11a Meeting for Worship
1p Meeting for Business

6p Meeting for Worship
12p Peace Vigil

7p Potluck & Quaker Study

10:30a-1p Food Pantry

9:30a Bible Study
11a Meeting for Worship


6p Meeting for Worship
12p Peace Vigil

7p Potluck & Quaker Study
10:30a-1p Food Pantry
9:15 Non-Violent Comm. Practice Group
11a Meeting for Worship



6p Meeting for Worship

12p Peace Vigil
7p Potluck & Quaker Study
10:30a-1p Food Pantry

‡Federal Building, Golden Gate Ave. and Larkin St. †San Francisco Friends School, 250 Valencia St.