Friday, February 22, 2013

March (Third Month) 2013 Newsletter

March 2013 Newsletter
(Third Month)
Meeting for Worship
& First Day School
Sundays at 11:00 a.m.
Midweek Meeting for Worship, Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m.

Come to Meeting with hearts and minds prepared to be open and faithful to the leadings of the Spirit. Then the conduct of business will lead to truth, unity, and love.

When a matter is before the Meeting for Business, each person present contributes to the corporate search for a decision that accords with the will of God. Inaction is a form of action. Silent worship in the Meeting for Business contributes to the process of achieving unity.

Listen attentively to others’ words and use the silence between messages to reflect carefully on what you might contribute. When you are clear, speak simply what is in your heart, without repeating what has already been offered.While making your insights clear, lay aside personal opinions and attend to what God requires.

Do I attend Meeting for Business regularly?

Do I speak in Meeting for Business only when I am led to speak?

Is the Meeting for Business held as a Meeting for Worship in which we seek divine guidance for our actions?

Are we tender and considerate of different views, coming to a decision only when we have found unity?

Do we give prayerful support for our clerks that they may be sensitive to the movement of the Spirit among us?

After a period of worship, Meeting for Business began at 1:09 pm with 29 people present. Clerk Stephen Matchett welcomed everyone, in particular teens and others who were in attendance to hear the previously announced presentation by Pacific Yearly Meeting Youth Program Coordinator Alyssa Nelson. He read a selection from the PYM Faith & Practice Advices & Queries on “Spiritual Life.”  One Friend shared a spoken response.

Approval of Previous Month’s Minutes

2-01: Meeting approves the minutes of January 13, 2013, as presented.
Ad Hoc Naming Committee Report
Philip Gerrie, convener of the Naming committee, reported that one Friend raised a concern regarding the nomination brought last month, that Philip has committed to address the concern with the nominee and that on that basis the Friend has agreed not to stand in the way of approval.
2-02: Meeting approves Daniel Nakamura to co-clerk the Nominating Committee through 12/31/2013. 
Pacific Yearly Meeting Youth Program Coordinator
The clerk read a series of queries from the PYM Youth Program Coordinator Supervisory Committee (copy attached to archive copy of these minutes) and explained that the committee seeks Meetings’ responses in order to inform PYM Representative Committee’s upcoming proposal whether to continue the paid Youth Program Coordinator (YPC) position past its initial three-year trial period.  Rep Com meets on March 2, and its proposal will be considered at the PYM annual session in July.  As part of our Meeting’s process of informing ourselves about the work of the YPC, he introduced Alyssa Nelson, of Davis Meeting, who currently holds the position, and invited her to make a presentation.  Alyssa led the meeting in an active community building exercise. In pairs and in the large group we learned new things about ourselves (commonalities and differences) and our community. She encouraged us to use “Build It” a book of exercises to help build multi-generational spiritual community that the Yearly Meeting has distributed to all local meetings. Alyssa described the work she has been doing to foster youth activities in the Yearly Meeting, and talked about ways people can get involved, including an upcoming workshop on being a youth ally, in Sacramento on Saturday, April 6, and a spring break work camp activity at Quaker Oaks Farm in Visalia, March 25-31.  Three Meeting teens shared about their time at the PYM annual session last year. One also talked about the “tight knit community” of Quaker camps as something she enjoyed and won’t forget later in life. An adult Friend who had attended a prior youth-ally workshop and gone on to be a Friendly Adult Presence (FAP) at a yearly meeting session said “If you want to see Quakers in action in its rawest form, get involved in helping teens. It’s a way to get inspired and reinvigorate your practice.” Alyssa departed with our thanks.   The YPC Supervisory Committee’s queries will be circulated on the Meeting list-serve, and Friends are encouraged to respond to our PYM Representative Rose Medellin or to Steve Leeds, who serves on the YPC Supervisory Committee.  Later in the meeting, following the treasurer’s report, a Friend observed that Meeting’s PYM assessment, which was doubled in order to fund the YPC position during the last three years, now consumes more than a quarter of our individual contributions.  Relative to the YPC committee’s query about other things PYM might do with the money currently spent on the YPC, we should give serious consideration to what other things our Meeting could do with those same funds.
Ministry & Oversight Committee
Chad Stephenson, co-clerk, reported that additional conversation occurred with Friends about a possible change of time for Meeting for Worship. In response, M&O would like us to respond to queries which will be posted. No change will happen for now but they would like more input. M&O is firming up how the retreat sub-committee will organize the annual retreat. They have a volunteer to serve as registrar and more details will be announced soon. David Matchett will be collecting names of Friends who plan to attend the “NonViolent Communication” workshop from 9 am – 4 pm on Sat., Feb. 23 being led by Dorothy Henderson of Grass Valley Meeting.  M&O is also discussing ways the meeting can better serve our youth so feel free to share input with them.
Treasurer's 2012 Year-end Financial Report
Philip Gerrie, clerk of Property & Finance, presented the year-end financial report on behalf of Amy Baker, our treasurer. (Copy of report attached to archive copy of these minutes.) While our donations were below what was anticipated, this was offset by higher rental income and other savings on building expenses. We spent some of our reserves for remodeling of our kitchen, meeting room floor, and offices on the second floor. Our reserves are sufficient for 2013 at this time.
2:03 Meeting accepts the Treasurer’s 2012 year-end financial report.
Property & Finance Committee
Philip Gerrie, clerk, reported there was a small flood in our basement recently. It cost $4,000 to dry out carpeting and drywall. Further exploration determined the cause of the problem and the meeting is exploring ways to fix it. We may need to spend an additional $2,000 to clean out our drain system. We are in conversation with our insurance carrier to see whether either of these expenses may be coverable.  The meeting room floor has been refinished and the chairs have new scuff proof glides. Our new kitchen has passed final inspection and the contractor will complete painting soon. The choice to tile the entire floor saved nearly $2,000. 
Rausch Street Working Group Proposal
Stephen reported that the working group has been meeting since last month but does not currently have a revised proposal for Meeting’s consideration. He reread our minute of October seeking a proposal from such a working group as to “how it might be constituted and what it would intend to do, including the preliminary work of bringing the property into a usable state and the determination of possible uses for the property.”  He called for a period of reflection and invited Friends with reservations about Meeting’s accepting title to the property to describe the features of a proposal that would lead them to feel easier about Meeting’s taking such a step.  Responses included hopes that a revised proposal might address the following points: (1) the extent of needed repairs listed in the inspection report and not addressed in the initial proposal’s cost estimates; (2) the possibility that any needed repairs or improvements Meeting might undertake could trigger requirements for extensive additional work and expense in order to bring earlier non-permitted and non-code-compliant work into compliance; (3) the practicalities of financing using loans from individuals versus a single bank loan; (4)
a proposal for structuring and staffing Meeting’s oversight of the property going forward, and an indication of the long term commitment of current working group members; and (5) the implications of renting the upstairs unit at market residential rates until the entire building becomes available to us, versus putting it to a use arguably more in keeping with our values.  We look forward to hearing the working group’s revised proposal next month.

After a period of announcements and sharing of joys and concerns, Meeting closed with worship at 3:23 pm with 18 people in attendance.

Respectfully submitted,

Blake Arnall, Recording Clerk                 
Stephen Matchett, Clerk of Meeting

Dear Friends,

It's been an easier month since I wrote to you last. One very exciting event was getting to meet Jane Goodall personally. Through her Institute, they have initiated school-based environmental groups called Roots & Shoots, in over 130 countries. We met Linus who is in charge of the local Roots & Shoots programs in Kenya. We are thinking of working in partnership with them to develop AVP in schools. 
The country is in a state of extreme tension as the elections approach. This year there are new processes such as presidential debates and vice presidential debates. Two of those vying for leadership were charged with inciting violence which led to crimes against humanity in the previous election. It is baffling to me that they are running for office with the threat of the International Criminal Court trial over their heads - and furthermore that they seem to be winning in the polls!!!
Anand and I have decided to spend most of March in England - both for safety reasons and to attend a family function. When we return I will have moved my psychotherapy office to a space in our home compound and therefore am looking forward to a life with significantly less stress as I will no longer have to confront the chaos of Nairobi's traffic on a daily basis. 

Thank you for your prayers and love.

News from Friends

Letter from Peterson Toscano

5 February 2013

Dear San Francisco Friends,

Thank you for all the effort you made into hosting my performance of “Jesus Had Two Daddies” and sponsoring “Transfigurations” last month at your meeting house and the SF LGBT Center.  In my work I always feel especially happy when fellow Quakers support my oddball productions and my scholarship.  Special thanks to Neil and Joanne and all their helpers.  I hope some who attended the show at the meeting house will return for worship and other events.
All the best,
Peterson Toscano

March 2013 News from Ben Lomond Quaker Center
Looking for spiritual inspiration?  Visit to read a new quote from a weighty Friend every week and click on the link that will take you to the original text. Or, if you want these messages to come to you each week, "like" Ben Lomond Quaker Center on Facebook where these quotes will also be posted with their original context.
Back by popular demand, Come As You Are: Reading the Bible with Friends from March 15-17. Stephen Matchett will lead us in Bible reading and discussion that creates a spiritual synergy facilitating new understandings and inspiration of these words about the Word. Even if you have struggled with biblical text in the past, you are more than welcome to join us with an open heart to hearing these words in a different light. Register at   by March 11th.
Couples Enrichment will be offered by Kathy and Jeff Richman from April 19-21. This workshop will offer committed couples the opportunity to celebrate their journey together and to deepen and improve their communication in an environment of trust and support.  Spaces are limited.  Please register at  by April 15th.

Notes on the Annual Retreat (May 24 – May 27, 2013)

As announced in Meeting for Worship, we are planning on changes in some aspects of the Annual Retreat, held at Quaker Center near Santa Cruz over the Memorial Day Weekend. For many years, Steve Leeds served as on-site coordinator, providing liaison and oversight services to the Retreat.  Steve is retiring from the capacity of on-site coordinator and we will be trying some new approaches.

Chiefly, services that Steve formerly provided will be distributed among participants at the Retreat.   Providing liaison and oversight services to the Retreat will be part of the retreat experience for experienced adult participants, along with kitchen duties and clean-up duties.

The added duties will be neither prolonged nor burdensome.  Many hands make light work.  Committees will be formed.  Three service committees will oversee liaison/community, meals and final clean-up; and each service committee will include three members.  In addition, Retreat participants can join a worship committee, a parents committee or an activities committee.  Committee preferences will be part of registration forms and pre-planning by committees should start by email before the event.

The Registrar and Assistant Registrar are excused from committee duties.  We continue to seek an Assistant Registrar, to work with our continuing Registrar, Ann Marie Snell.  The Assistant Registrar should anticipate taking up the Registrar position in the following year.  It will be great if you climb on board soon.

Please direct any inquiries to Bob Kovsky (Convenor, Retreats Subcommittee, Ministry & Oversight Committee)

Public Engagement For Public Schools

Join with people who care about our public schools!

Public Engagement for Public Schools (PEPS)
presents: A Community Conversation to Support our Public Schools

Thursday, March 7th, 6-8PM
African American Art and Culture Complex
762 Fulton Street

Free of charge.  Informal.  A light supper will be provided!

· LEARN - Develop a common understanding about SF public schools
· ENVISION - Imagine how we, as a city of 800,000 residents, can best support San Francisco public schools
· GENERATE – Identify common goals for action
· ACT - Contribute to and/or join the PEPS movement
For more information about this meeting, please contact: Marian Chatfield-Taylor, 415-290-6348 or email  to let us know you’re coming!

Public Engagement for Public Schools (PEPS) is dedicated to expanding and deepening support for San Francisco’s public schools. Join our movement to create a world-class public education system for San Francisco. You can find out more about us

Pacific Yearly Meeting

As discussed at our February business meeting, these are the queries circulated by the PYM Youth Program Coordinator Supervisory Committee for Meetings' to reflection and response:

Queries for Monthly Meetings:
PYM Youth Program Evaluation 2012-2013

1.   What has been your Monthly Meeting / Worship Group’s experience with or awareness of the PYM Youth Program Coordinator and Committee’s work?
2.   Is your Meeting/Group noticing more connections between and among your teens, young adults, and older adults? Please give examples.
3.   Are your Meeting’s teens and/or young adults experiencing more connections with the Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly Meeting, or with our Quaker organizations? Please give examples.
4.   How does your Meeting/Group’s youth program(s) compare with that of three years ago?
5.   What unmet needs should the Youth Program Coordinator and Committee focus on?
6.   Is financially supporting the Youth Program Coordinator a burden to your Monthly Meeting? What higher, lower, or similar level of financial support would be affordable?
7.   If the per-member assessment were to remain the same, would you want to continue to spend the money on a Yearly Meeting Youth Program and Coordinator, or would you choose to spend the money on something else?
8.   In what ways might we support our youth, build intergenerational community, and enhance the experience of our Quaker faith and community without a youth program coordinator?
9.   Is there anything else you would like us to know?

The upcoming Pacific Yearly Meeting session will be July 29 - Aug 3, 2013, at Mount Madonna Center, in Watsonville CA

The upcoming College Park Quarterly Meeting sessions will be May 17 - 19 at Ben Lomond Quaker Center and October 18 - 20 at Sierra Friends Center

Hello, Dear Friends!

A little report from Southern California!  We are well – Georgia is thriving in kindergarten and remains a joy and delight.  I am keeping quite busy: my time has mainly been spent on educational consulting, but as a part of that I’ve been able to support some very worthwhile ongoing projects based in rural China.  I actually got to spend the winter holidays in Inner Mongolia; I never expected to celebrate a New Year’s Eve by singing karaoke with shepherds, under the watchful eye of a chain-smoking, juggling (!) Communist Party official, but now I have!  I’m currently beginning the process of creating a larger organizational support structure around the current projects, so if anyone has any thoughts about or experience with working in underserved parts of China, I’d love to hear from you!

I remain grateful to be connected to you all through this newsletter.  I very much enjoy my work, but regrettably weekend and evening hours are unavoidable, and I have had great difficulty attending meetings in the last few months.  It brings me great peace to think of you all gathered in the Meeting House, and my heart is always with you in that Light we are blessed to hold together.


Google Groups for SF Quakers
This is the group to send your late breaking announcements or share other news with the meeting community. You can sign up via the web: You will need to create a free Google user ID and password, if you don’t already have one.

Visit to join or learn more.

A group for young adult Friends in San Francisco is at

A group for parents in the San Francisco Meeting is at

A Google Group for Bay Area Quakers is now available at The group is for Bay Area Quaker meetings, churches, and organizations, as well as individual Friends, to share news of events and activities that would be of interest to Quakers and the general public. Events do not need to be strictly Quaker. For more information, contact Tom Yamaguchi,
Help on using Google Groups is also available at:

Submissions to the newsletter are due by the next-to-last First Day (Sunday) of each month in the News Committee mailbox at the meetinghouse, or by e-mail to This newsletter is also available for reading or downloading on our website at
Members of the News Committee are Kate McCarley (clerk, editor), Eli Bishop (web servant), Jim Pilliod (production), and Noel Schwerin (distribution)

(all events at 65 9th St., unless noted; *see details elsewhere in newsletter)

11a Meeting for Worship




6p Meeting for Worship

12p Peace Vigil

7p Potluck & Quaker Study


10:30a-1p Food Pantry

9:30a Bible Study

11a Meeting for Worship, Community potluck following



7p Property & Finance Mtg
8:30a SFFS Community Mtg for Worship†
6p Meeting for Worship
7p Ministry & Oversight Mtg

12p Peace Vigil

7p Potluck & Quaker Study

10:30a-1p Food Pantry
11a Meeting for Worship
1p Meeting for Business

6p Meeting for Worship
12p Peace Vigil

7p Potluck & Quaker Study


10:30a-1p Food Pantry
9:30a Bible Study

11a Meeting for Worship

6p Meeting for Worship

12p Peace Vigil

7p Potluck & Quaker Study

10:30a-1p Food Pantry

11a Meeting for Worship_______________



6p Meeting for Worship

12p Peace Vigil

7p Potluck & Quaker Study

10:30a-1p Food Pantry

‡Federal Building, Golden Gate Ave. and Larkin St. †San Francisco Friends School, 250 Valencia St.